This morning as Kaylee and I set out for our walk I noticed this spider web between two trees at the edge of Mom and Dad's property. I managed to get a straight-on shot of it, but for some reason I liked this edgewise look at it better:

When we returned a little while later, the spider was busy adding more spirals to the inside of its web:

And a web that caught my eye as Kaylee and I took our afternoon walk:

During our jaunts up into the woods over the past couple of days I noticed these ferns, which grew in a shape unlike most of the ferns I see around. After a little research, I'm pretty certain it's a Northern Maidenhair Fern:

A closer look:

I think this is a type of wild rose:

Newts are starting to turn up on the forest floor:

Amazing how different the coloring can look depending on the light; the first one was taken when I was home a little after 1, while I shot this one around 5:15 or so:

Just a visual I liked:

A chipmunk snacking on a sunflower seed by Mom's outdoor waterfall:

The Indigo Bunting made a brief appearance while I sat out on the porch:

And the customary selection of grosbeak photos:

Finally, Kaylee. First, a couple of shots I took at lunch; I threw the ball, then quickly raised my camera and hoped for the best:

She can still grab some serious air:

Back on top of the hot tub later in the day:

And to close things out, a shot I took at lunchtime, as I particularly liked how she looked in the sunshine:

Paul is green with envy over your bird population. I just enjoy all the photos, and especially the webs and ferns; the patterns are wonderful.
ReplyDeleteThe spiderweb shots blow me away!