A few Titmouse shots to begin things today:

Behind the feeder the Titmouse is perched on you can see another bird (my guess is a female grosbeak) coming in for a landing:

A closer look at the Titmouse's coloring:

A Hairy Woodpecker:

Some Rose-breasted Grosbeak pictures. To me this one screams "Are you lookin' at me?":

This shot reminded me of those toy birds that work their way down the side of a glass:

I know most of the birds are blurry, but I liked how you see so many in flight at once:

A male Ruby-throated Hummingbird, the only kind of hummingbird we have here in the Northeast:

"I love it when a plan comes together...":

And, of course, some Kaylee pics. Clearly she's very excited that I'm here with her for a few days:

Happy dog:

Waiting for me to decide it's time to go in so she can get her cookie when I head back to work:

Standing on the porch:

Great photos, Sara, and I think the neutral background sets your work off nicely.