Just to mix things up, I'm starting with the Blue Jays this time:

A Titmouse approaching the feeders:

A female Rose-breasted Grosbeak coming in as a male grosbeak and a Hairy Woodpecker look on:

The male Rose-breasted Grosbeaks showing off their colors:

A squirrel getting a drink from the outdoor waterfall:

My aunt and uncle's dog Molly, very much enjoying rolling around on the back lawn:

And our usual assortment of Kaylee shots, starting with a shot of her on the back of her favorite chair:

Lounging on the hot tub yet again:

Scratching the side of her head:

And finally, a shot I managed to get of her mid-yawn:

Do you have any idea how gorgeous your photos are? The spider web -- the silhouettes -- and that straight-on shot of Kaylee -- the bluejay's feet! Your composition is evocative, your sense of light is exquisite and you have the sensibility of an artist. Coming here to look at your work is like going for a regenerative walk in the country, and it's a treat every time.