And without further ado, part two. AKA the one with a truckload of Blue Jays:

I liked how distinct the wing feathers were in these next two:

Same Blue Jay as above departing with food in

Chasing off the Indigo Bunting:

Shots 56 and 57 from today's batch, capturing both an arrival and the subsequent departure:

A couple of backlit shots:

And our final Blue Jay shot for today:

As these final pictures will demonstrate, between yesterday's activity (which included playing ball with Greg in the evening) and the heat and humidity we experienced throughout the day, Kaylee didn't really have a whole lot of get up and go today. I took this first one this morning just before heading to work:

And I shot these last two this afternoon after I returned to Mom and Dad's, with Kaylee once again up on the hot tub:

Come to think of it, it was probably a smart move on Kaylee's part to rest up, as tomorrow afternoon a bunch of us will be at my parents' place for a Father's Day cookout—trying to keep an eye on everyone will no doubt take a lot of energy.
Oh, wow, and that applies to both parts.
ReplyDeleteAlso, melted chocolate dog, awwww.