So, first thing this morning Dad, Kaylee, and I headed up into the woods, where I photographed what was definitely hands down the biggest mushroom I've ever seen:

Dad brought along a garden decoration given to Mom by a friend several years ago: an angel made of clay that I'd say is roughly the size of a volleyball. Maybe a soccer ball. Not only did it make for a fun and whimsical image, but it helps give a better sense of how big the mushroom really was:

A couple of spider webs I noticed on our way back down the hill:

After a very yummy breakfast of eggs and hash, I stood at the back door for a while to take some bird pictures. It was actually a pretty quiet morning at the feeders in that regard, but I managed to snag a few shots nonetheless.
A couple of Blue Jay photos:

A female Rose-breasted Grosbeak with her tail smushed up against the feeder:

One of those shots I can only attribute to blind luck:

Finally, Kaylee. Although when I saw her in this pose I was more inclined to call her "your Majesty":

Keeping an eye out the window:

When it was time to head to work I went back to look for Kaylee in the living room, only to discover she'd ambled on over to the bedroom. I cannot even begin to describe how tempting it was to curl up next to her and go to sleep when I saw her on the bed like this, all snuggled in and warm:

I mean, come on—this is pretty much the visual equivalent of taking an Ambien as far as I'm concerned...
Now THAT'S a mushroom!
ReplyDeleteThe flying-bird photos are amazing, Sara!
Very cool post and love love love the last picture of Kaylee