A female Ruby-Throated Hummingbird drinking from the feeder:

A lucky shot of her just as she took off:

A little while later a male hummingbird came to the feeder; I was really pleased with how vivid the red of his throat was in this photo:

I liked the drop of liquid on the very end of his beak:

It was pretty cool here this evening, which in turn had the hummingbird puffing his feathers out to stay warm. In this shot, I'm pretty sure I somehow caught him with his beak slightly open. Either that or he's giving me an epic raspberry:

Finally, our Kaylee shot. She really dislikes thunderstorms, and will usually spend them lying behind the couch in the family room—I think the sense of being enclosed is comforting to her. It wasn't storming while I was at the house, but it did rain pretty hard at times. On one of those occasions, she apparently decided she wasn't going to take any chances and got back there before the storm came:

We've had quite a few storms this year already, so I suspect it's going to be a long summer for the poor girl...
Oh, poor Kaylee! It's good that she's found a safe place to hide. Such a clever girl she is.