In fact, I took this first photo just after I'd arrived home from work. Upon opening my car door I immediately noticed I could hear a lot of chirping—much more so than usual. I took a look around, and discovered I'd apparently wandered into a Hitchcock movie:

Although I zoomed in as far as I could for a few shots, I still wasn't able to identify what kind of birds they were. But I figured as long as they weren't the crazy, attack-you-through-your-windshield kind I could live without knowing the finer details.
The rest of today's photos are of some of the tiger lilies growing by the corner of my building. Even though it was only lightly drizzling when I took these, a lot of rainwater still clung to the flowers. I thought the effect was particularly pretty on the lilies, so I just shot bunch of pictures from a few different angles and distances and hoped I'd end up with something halfway decent to share. I'm not exactly an objective judge as to how good these particular images are, but they were the ones that popped out at me as I went through my photos a little while later:

Oh, I love the tiger lilies, especially the first one.