A swallow coming in for a landing. This pipe ran along the length of the building, about 4 feet across from where the swallows made their nests:

Talking amongst themselves:

This shot offers a pretty good look at the swallow's distinctive long tail:

Swallows don't have any markings on their back either as a juvenile or an adult, which makes me think this one with its wings spread made a narrow escape from some predator:

Other than that one excursion, I spent most of the day inside trying to stay cool. It wasn't nearly as humid today as it has been, but it was still in the low 80s out there (and in my apartment). I kept the curtains closed for most of the afternoon, as that's when the sun is on that side of the building. A while after I'd reopened them the birds started getting active again, so I took a few shots of some of the Goldfinches that visited:

They're saying tomorrow will bring a return to the high heat and humidity. Can't hardly wait.
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