First up, though, a shot of a male House Sparrow as it came in for a landing on my feeder this morning:

I'm pretty sure that's a young House Finch coming in to join it:

I think it's a female House Sparrow that's looking at an incoming finch this time:

I really liked this silhouette with the bird on our office building's weather vane. That same backlighting meant I couldn't tell exactly what kind of bird it was, but judging by the beak I'd say it's a type of phoebe or flycatcher:

On my way home from work today I stopped by Mom and Dad's to join them for dinner. As we sat around beforehand, watching the baseball game, Mom noticed something coming across the lawn—it was a deer headed for the salt lick that sits up behind where the thistle feeder hangs. And before I'd even had time to get to the door with my camera, the doe was no longer the only creature out there worth photographing:

Getting to photograph one fawn was already much more than I could have ever hoped for. Being able to photograph two? Simply incredible:

Loved how they seemed to be walking in sync here:

And the mother enjoying her taste of salt:

Finally, a couple of Kaylee shots. First, Kaylee listening to Mom talk about normal things:

Then, Kaylee after Mom said the word "cheese":

The deer are almost unreal.
ReplyDelete"Cheese, Kaylee, we'll go somewhere where there's cheese!"