After I'd taken the butterfly photos, Kaylee sniffed everyone present (ie my grandmother; my aunt and uncle; my cousins Emily, Katie, and Anne; Anne's husband Dmitri; Anne and D's dog Butter; and my aunt and uncle's dog Molly) while I grabbed a soda, helped myself to some of my cousin Anne's guacamole, and took a seat. We all chatted for a bit as the dogs wandered around, mostly looking to mooch some food. My aunt wanted to show me the very impressive stone wall she and my cousins have been putting together along the edge of their yard, so she, Emily, Katie, and I walked over. Kaylee and Butter followed, but it wasn't too long before they lost all interest in what we were up to in favor of some major playtime:

Although I actually did come up with a couple of different ways to introduce/caption these next four photos, I finally decided that they're more than entertaining enough without my help. So I'll just assure you that they're in sequence, without any gaps, and confess that I did a fist pump and said "Yes!" when I saw they were all in focus:

Kaylee really does love her aerial assaults:

"Look at those cute cheeks! I just gotta pinch 'em!":

These three photos are also in sequence; I chose them because I really liked the dogs' expressions, particularly in the first shot:

Molly, meanwhile, either stayed on the perimeter of the action or simply observed the other two from afar. Given how warm it was and how rambunctious Kaylee and Butter got, I really can't say as I blame her:

After we'd enjoyed lunch outdoors and played a bean bag tossing game, we all agreed that heading indoors to have dessert was the best course of action. It was at least 10 degrees cooler inside, which we were all immensely grateful for. Including, and perhaps especially, the dogs—it wasn't long before they all totally crashed:

Molly in a brief moment of consciousness:

Yeah, keeping the eyes open turned out to be way too much work:

Kaylee used a stuffed pig as a pillow:

However, it was most definitely Butter who had the whole relaxation thing down to a science: memory foam mattress, fluffy blankie, rotating fan at her feet... Hell, I was tempted to kick her off and take a nap there myself:

And finally, one last Kaylee shot to bring today's posting to a close:

Action dogs! Kaylee is certainly Alpha Canine.