Starting things off, some Birdsfoot Trefoil:


Black-eyed Susans:

And that beloved friend of allergy sufferers everywhere, Goldenrod:

Some Goldfinches were kind enough to visit the feeder while I was at Mom and Dad's, perhaps having heard about today's theme:

A couple of Day Lilies:

A Zinnia:

A Snapdragon:

Some Pansies:

Of course, I had to include some Daisies:

And finally, a Honeysuckle flower:

As I was leaving later in the evening, Dad spotted this deer making its way across the edge of the lawn. I figure it this shot at least still counts, given the wildflowers in the background. It was actually fairly dark when I photographed the deer, and the resultant images all had a very bluish cast to them. Just out of curiosity, I used one of the color correction tools in Photoshop—the user clicks on a part of the image that's supposed to be either white, gray, or black, and the program readjusts the overall coloring of the image accordingly. The difference was rather striking, so I thought it might be fun to share.
The original image:

And the color-corrected version, using the white on the underside of the tail as my reference point:

Kinda cool, huh?
Finally, the obligatory Kaylee shot:

I'll be heading back to Mom and Dad's tomorrow for a family cookout, so never fear: many more photos of Kaylee are in your near future...
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