Friday, January 16, 2015

Kauai 2014: day 12, part 1

Doing things backwards for this particular day; the majority of my photography took place in the morning, and will require one of those epic posts that take a day just to scroll through. But I also have a few interesting pics to share from the afternoon, starting with a lucky sighting as we drove to have dinner in Lihue with friends: a Hawaiian gallinule that was working the ground not far from where we paused at one of the many one-way bridges on our route.

The Hawaiian gallinule is endemic to the state, and an endangered species—while they used to inhabit every island, the remaining birds in the state are just found on Oahu and Kauai. My previous sightings of the gallinule had only been at a distance, so I was pleased to have the chance to get a couple  of decent closeups before our line of traffic started moving again.

Later in the evening, we attended an art opening at the Tabora Gallery at the Kauai Marriott.  While it was a bit crowded to do much photography during the party, I did get some decent pics of a nearby display that featured Hawaiian bark cloth (Kapa) made in the 18th century:

A little more info about the cloth:

And a look at both pieces of cloth, along with the helpful descriptive text:

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