To start things off, a Chipping Sparrow sitting on the edge of the water fountain:

A hummingbird checking out an echinacea blossom:

I chose this Chickadee shot because I liked how sharp its reflection came out as well:

When I caught sight of this view as I was driving home from Mom and Dad's, I immediately pulled off onto the shoulder, grabbed my camera, and leaned out my window. I wish I could have found a way to avoid having the power lines in the shot, but I'm definitely pleased that I managed to capture the colors I saw:

Kaylee, looking regal as ever:

Finally, I thought I'd leave you with a laugh courtesy of a magnet I saw today on the side of a car—one that I happen to know belongs to a psychiatrist:

Hee! I'm serious, about the quality of your pics. Your birdie pictures are stunning. Ever thought of publishing them? Kaylee looks great. Such a beautiful chocolate coat!