The Goldfinches were definitely feeling feisty today, to the point where seeing them sitting there eating peacefully became the exception rather than the norm:

Maybe they were trying to work out the proverbial pecking order?

A White-breasted Nuthatch and a Chickadee taking advantage of a rare finch-free moment on the feeder:

A Hairy Woodpecker:

I liked how this Mourning Dove looked against the dark background of trees:

We saw a young male Rose-breasted Grosbeak at the feeder again today:

There also seemed to be a lot of warbler activity; Mom and Greg believe they saw a Black-throated Blue Warbler earlier in the day, and Mom, Dad, and I saw at least two other types as we sat outside this afternoon. I'm not 100% certain what kind this particular warbler is, but after going through my bird book my best guess is that it's a Cape May Warbler:

A male Black-throated Green Warbler:

And a female of that same species:

It is with a heavy heart that I report these geese were indeed headed due south when I took this photo:

Kaylee's buddy Robby, a bit worn out from the walk he'd just been on with Kaylee, Mom, and his two people Colin and Pauline:

And, of course, the girl herself; I love it when she sits there and practically poses for me:

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