A couple of sunrise photos:

A Myna stopped by to grab some breakfast:

As did this Red-crested Cardinal, which I was photographing between the legs of the chairs out on the porch:

Love the head tilt:

A cardinal that came almost right up to the sliding-glass door:

On my next-to-last day, we took a trip out to Wailua Falls, one of the most picturesque spots on the island. It's a gorgeous double waterfall, and I was eager to try my hand at photographing it. This first shot is one I took with my camera on its usual setting:

And this is one I took with a much slower shutter speed, producing the silky water effect:

A wider shot of the waterfall and pool:

Again, the same view with the shutter slowed down:

With all the mist produced by the falling water, it's pretty much a guarantee that when the sun is out, you're going to see a rainbow. On this visit, we were lucky enough to see a double rainbow:

On the other side of the pool, someone used a bunch of white rocks to leave a message for visitors:

While we were there, we noticed quite a few White-tailed Tropicbirds flying around. Then we realized that when some of the birds approached the rock face, they disappeared. Turns out they like to nest in cliffs:

We stopped for lunch at Puka Dog, where I ended up getting some of the best bird closeups of my vacation. First up, some Myna pics:

Very pleased with how this one came out:

An early model for Angry Birds, perhaps?

And some shots of a Red-crested Cardinal that came fairly close to grab some of the bread we'd scattered around:

A Zebra Dove taking a dust bath in the parking lot where we were staying:

Finally, some shots I took before and during sunset at Ke'e Beach:

hi Sara! I've been looking for blog posts about Wailua to feature on our site. If you're interested, you can drop me a line at Brenda (at) Dwellable (.com)