Sunrise on day 10:

I convinced my folks to scatter some stale tortilla chips along the porch railing to see if we could get some birds to visit. Not only did it work, but by the end of Mom and Dad's time there it was working a bit too well: the Mynas would make noise in the morning if there wasn't any food out there when they arrived for breakfast. However, on the first day this particular Myna was a satisfied customer; it's not the best shot in terms of detail, but I liked the way it came out regardless:

A much better shot of a visiting Myna; I loved the effect of the palm leaves in the background:

A Red-crested Cardinal also stopped by to check out our offering:

About mid-morning, Mom, Dad, and I headed into the town of Hanalei to visit Hanalei Beach (for a little treat, you can check out a live webcam set up at this beach here). Its most memorable landmark is undoubtedly this dock, which stretches well out into the water:

I took this shot of Bali Hai while standing on end of the dock. It was a somewhat hazy day, so it's not the greatest shot ever:

No way was I not going to photograph dogs playing in the surf:

A look at the many folks who visit the beach every day, whether it's to hang out or get surfing lessons:

We spotted this tree sporting some gorgeous blue blossoms not far from where we'd parked:

A closer look at the flowers:

We weren't entirely sure what kind of tree this was, but it definitely looked like it was on the verge of bearing fruit:

Edited to add: my friend Matthew, who lives in Florida, tells me it's a Royal Palm Tree. Mystery solved!
Back at my parents' place, I got a great chance to photograph some Spotted Doves from fairly close range thanks to our tortilla chip buffet:

Down the hatch:

Posing for me:

"Sorry—didn't realize this seat was taken:"

A couple of poses that amused me:

Finally, I don't know if this bird was sleepy or simply savoring its meal:

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