Leading things off for today's round of bird photos, a close-up look at a Titmouse:

"What the heck is that human doing in there?"

A White-breasted Nuthatch mid-blink:

This Chickadee apparently finds getting just one seed at a time too inefficient:

I liked the slightly fanned wing in this shot:

I picked this because of the spider you can see dangling from the perch opposite the Chickadee's:

I snapped this shot just as the bird came in for a landing:

Eventually the Purple Finches joined the party:

A close look at the female Purple Finch:

And the male:

The two of them together:

Finally, probably one of my best shots yet of a bird in flight:

Great photos, Sara. The bird coming in for a landing (touchdown in 3... 2... 1...) made me snicker, for some reason.