To start things off, a female and male Purple Finch sitting side-by-side on the feeder; I liked this one because of the beads of water you can see on the male's back and tail:

The male shaking out his feathers:

A Chickadee joined the finches, but shortly after I took this shot something startled all three off the feeder:

I just liked this pose:

Enjoying a bite to eat:

As you can see, I just barely caught the incoming Chickadee in the frame with this shot:

A better look at the duo:

They were able to share the feeder peacefully for a few minutes:

But only for a few minutes:

Quite the heroic pose:

Loved how this Titmouse picture came out:

I found it interesting that these two Titmice chose the exact same perches as the two Chickadees. Then again, there's only six spots on the feeder, so I imagine the chances of such a thing happening are actually pretty high:

I liked how in this one you can see a bit of the bird's tongue:

Stretching out to take a look around:

Not quite as in focus as I'd have preferred, but still not too bad:

A couple more Chickadee shots I liked:

A close look at a Purple Finch:

It was completely unintentional on my part, but as it turns out the last shots I took today mirrored the first ones I took, at least in terms of the birds and their positions on the feeder. So it seemed like a good way to close out today's post as well:

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