At the time that I took these photos, I felt very fortunate that this particular bird was both close enough and slow enough as it went by to allow me to get a bunch of shots that were all basically in focus and within the frame. I had a feeling it was a good sequence that would yield at least one nice image of the bird as it soared past, but since there were so many other things to photograph I barely had any time to really examine the pictures on my LCD screen. It was only when I'd gotten that day's photos downloaded that I realized there was a lot more to the shots than I possibly could have hoped for—I'd captured this Albatross scratching its head with its foot as it soared along:

Pretty cool, huh?
A multitasking albatross! Why does that smack of Monty Python to me?? That aside, my gosh, these are positively STUNNING! A little bit o'luck, a whole lotta skill and talent!!