A dead tree that I thought looked particularly striking against the snow:

A couple of shots I took when the flurries were in particularly high gear:

There were still a few Redpolls hanging around. And by "a few" I mean "enough to have their own Hitchcock movie":

And a closer look at the Redpolls swarming the two seed feeders:

Evidence that I took this picture during a very strong gust of wind?
1. The streaks of snow show that it was moving sideways.
2. The side of the feeder that this Hairy Woodpecker is clinging to is, as you can see in the previous photo, usually perpendicular to the house, not parallel to it:

A male Cardinal that joined the woodpecker on the feeder:

The two birds weathering both snow and Redpoll flurries:

A couple of shots of the male Cardinal in the blue spruce:

And I managed to spot the female Cardinal tucked into the spruce as well:

Finally, a couple of Kaylee shots I took as she made our walk safe from fallen branches...

...and dealt with any suspicious-looking bark as well. After all, one can never be too careful, right?

Lovely, and so is Kaylee. What a valiant canine, defending you from suspicious wooden objects!