Not a very exciting post today, I'm afraid. I stopped by Mom and Dad's for lunch today, and was amazed at the number of Redpolls they now have visiting their feeders—there were easily twice as many birds there today than what we saw over the weekend. At one point I'd guesstimate there were 20-30 Redpolls under both the thistle feeder and the seed feeders, and at least a dozen up on the feeders themselves. Add in the birds flying back and forth between the two spots and those resting in the blue spruce, and you're talking about upwards of 70 birds hanging around the yard. No wonder Mom and Dad are refilling the thistle feeder twice a day.
At any rate, I tried to take some shots of the thistle feeder whenever it appeared to be reaching maximum capacity:

I count 17 birds in this photo, although two of them aren't on the feeder itself:

The feeder at a quieter moment, as there were only 13 birds on it when I took the shot

And this last shot features 18 Redpolls, all of which are perched on the feeder, with one hovering around the edges in search of an empty spot—it reminded me a bit of when you see cars circling around a mall parking lot as they wait for a space to open up:
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