After sorting through more than 600 images last night, I decided that today I'd once again work on the whole restraint thing. So after I got home this evening and watched the last three outs of the Sox/Yankees game, me and what was left of my fingernails went outside with my camera to find something to photograph. A bunch of swallows were circling around overhead, and while I did try to get a few shots of them I was a bit reluctant to call it good, given I'd posted so many swallow pictures less than a week ago. That's about when I glanced up and saw a Mourning Dove perched overhead; I moved about a yard to my right so the break in the clouds would be where I wanted, and the result was this:

I then shifted my gaze to the tall tree on the other side of the road, the same one I photographed a bunch of birds sitting in a few weeks back. No birds to speak of this time, but I did like how it looked against the two-tone sky behind it:

And that, believe it or not, is the end of today's offering. Hope it was still enjoyable.
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