Once we finally got to the west side, the next step was driving up Mount Waiʻaleʻale. Partway along we stopped at one of the lookouts, both so I could take some pictures and so we could all stretch our legs for a few minutes. My camera doesn't have any sort of panoramic photo setting, but hopefully these pics will give a decent sense of the view we had:

However, even a vista like that doesn't really prepare you for seeing the canyon itself; Mark Twain dubbed Waimea Canyon "the Grand Canyon of the Pacific," and when you finally get there it's not hard to see why:

A closer look at some of the rock formations:

Further on up, the view from the top of the mountain wasn't too bad either:

A closer look at a waterfall nestled against the above mountainside:

A catamaran we spotted as we enjoyed the view:

Different lookout, same gorgeousness:

A couple of shots of an ultralight that went by overhead:

A few photos I took of the nearby hiking trail:

Looking back up the trail toward where I'd started from:

And a couple of shots of the surrounding terrain; I loved the contrast between the red dirt and... well, everything from the green vegetation to the blue sky:

When I noticed this view of the canyon on our way back down, I just had to ask Dad to turn around and go back so I could take a picture or two; this particular shot turned out to be one of my favorites from that day:

I thought the dead tree at the top of the ridge helped make for a striking visual:

And one last look at the canyon from a lookout point a little further down the mountain:

All in all, just a gorgeous place to visit, and most definitely worth the time it took to get there. I hope I get a chance to go again during future trips to Kauai.
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