So, it pretty much didn't stop snowing from early afternoon yesterday to early afternoon today. Which resulted in more than a foot of snow on the porch and even more where it drifted in the woods—there were spots where I'm certain I'd have sunk in to my mid-thigh if I didn't have snowshoes on.
Starting things off, a look at the birdfeeders when Kaylee and I first went out this morning—somehow I managed to catch a chickadee on its way in as well as the one on the top of the hook:

A shot of the woods:

I liked the effect here of the contrast between the snow and the branches:

This one... I can't even begin to explain. Just about every tree had at least an inch of snow stuck all along one side, as you can see with the others in the shot. Some had areas where a portion of the snow had been knocked off by the wind, birds, or other branches, but for the most part the snow looked like it'd been laid down with a caulk gun. But I don't have a clue as to how this straight sapling ended up with snow spiraling along its length—especially when it's not even touching the tree in one area:

A few shots where Kaylee assists in indicating how deep the snow was in the woods...

...on the porch...

...and where it'd been left by the snowplow after the driveway had been cleared:

The temperature rose in the afternoon, which resulted in the precipitation changing over to the classic "wintry mix" and the trees losing most of their snow cover. Naturally the trees got very wet, enabling me to get this nice bit of contrast between the leaves, snow, and darkened trunk:

Finally, two pics of Kaylee I couldn't choose between. I liked the mood of this one:

And the cuteness of snow-covered Kaylee in this one: